Activity switcher problems [for Plasma and KWin teams]

Marco Martin notmart at
Tue Jun 10 19:20:33 UTC 2014

On Tuesday 10 June 2014, Ivan Čukić wrote:
> So, from what I see here, there are two things needed to fix this.
> 1) Make opening the activity switcher fast. That would need to throw away
> the lazy loading that we currently have. And I'm not sure that would be a
> sufficient improvement.

difference would be pretty big, but I'm not too positive on doing that, since 
it would dent on startup time that is aready too much and on memory usage for 
who doesn't want to use activities.
also should be modified a bit since right now loads one per desktop view that 
is admittedly too much :)

i would go for accepting the first time to be slow (making it as simple and 
small as possible) then keeping it around for a while, as is done for the 
panel controller.

Marco Martin

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