Minutes Monday Plasma Hangout

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Tue Jul 29 16:51:52 UTC 2014

On Tuesday 29 July 2014, Aleix Pol wrote:
> > khintsettings should do something along the lines:
> > * with some heuristics access the lookandfeel package (it's only a folder
> > after all, wouldn't be very difficult) and open a config file with
> > default icons/widget style etc
> > * read the default if available, fallback to an hardcoded internal one if
> > fail
> Agreed, also fonts could have a place there.

so, this is how the experiment is going:

it's now getting some settings from the "defaults" config file in the l&f 
package with the rule:

* if the config key is set in kdeglobals, use that, the custom user setting 
always win
* if the config key is not set in kdeglobals, look in the configured l&f 
* if not set in the configured l&f package, look in the default l&f package
* if still fails, hardcoded default, exactly as before
* for colors, it looks also if the l&f package is actually shipping a colors 
file (it's looking for a color file with the same name as the one set in 
defaults, probably going to change to a file simply called always just colors)

apart from that, i wonder if this could also add a subdirectory of the package 
as a searchpath for kiconloader

another thing i wonder, if it should monitor for change in the configured l&f 
package (may need modification in KConfig)

Marco Martin

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