Notes from "Async and representation"

David Edmundson david at
Sat Jan 18 22:37:12 UTC 2014

That QML demo seems to work awesomely \o/

I also fully support trying to get rid of AppletInterface.


Code comments on the cpp. (I know it's a work in progress, but I like
to stalk you)

You have compactRepresentation properties twice.

I assume the second one is meant to be the compactRepresentationExpander.

In compactRepresentationCheck when iconified you still call
        QQuickItem *fullItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem

which creates the fullRepresentation. I was under the impression we
wanted to avoid loading the full representation when we're not using
it. I don't fully understand what the compactRepresentationExpander is

in compactRepresentation check we have:
        full = ==;

which means, if the preferredRepresentation is the fullRepresentation,
it will always be in full mode. If it is a more than just a preference
 full = m_compactRepresentation.isNull()

be better?

It will also be worth having a guard that that we're actually changing
representations. Some sort of if (item !=
m_currentRepresentationItem). Otherwise we're setting a lot of things
on every geometry change

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