Error(Cmake) while building PMC

R.Harish Navnit harishnavnit at
Tue Jan 14 06:27:28 UTC 2014

Hello all ,

               I'm trying to build PMC on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Kubuntu
12.04 LTS on Virtualbox .
I installed cmake using apt-get and when I run the command

cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`

I get the following errors :

When I run the same command with sudo pre-fixed , this is the output log :

I would also appreciate some help with updating to the required version of
cmake ?

And since I'm using a version below the 12.10 , the package
"nepomuk-core-dev" also can't be installed using apt-get .

I'd be grateful if anyone can help me with these issues .

Warm Regards.

Thanking You,
R.Harish Navnit
The Enigma <>
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