QML Calendar stuff

Martin Klapetek martin.klapetek at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 10:40:30 UTC 2014


at the Plasma sprint we discussed the next-gen calendar plasmoid, we had
Mitch from Digia here, who is working on QtQuickControls calendar stuff.

The idea is to share as much code as possible between our plasmoid and
upstream Qt.

Mitch's calendar does pretty much what we need to do, so we'd like to reuse
it in our plasmoid. The thing we need to figure out is howto style it with
Plasma style so it reassembles the current calendar widget we have in

Mitch is currently working on a
QQuickCalendarModel/QQuickAbstractCalendarModel which will be the backend
for the calendar. He has a prototype written, but it does not work yet with
the QML part. In KDE we would then extend this model to add events into it.
The model would have just two roles - DateRole, returning the date for the
grid index (so this plugs the numbers in the grid) and EventsRole, which
returns a list of events for the index. Events will not be in the first
version, but the idea is to have sort of Event object with all the needed
properties, then return list of them for the given day.

Notes and repo address are written down at wiki here:

Comments welcome

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
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