OSD above fullscreen windows

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Thu Aug 14 10:45:19 UTC 2014

On Thursday 14 August 2014 12:00:30 David Edmundson wrote:
> > Notifications must not overlay full-screen applications (I'm sure we all
> > have experienced the embarrassment when someone does a presentation on a
> > Windows machine and suddenly a "Hi cutie, how are you?" pops up in the
> > lower right corner of the screen.).
> Not with that text :(
> Seriously though it's equally bad to miss an IM from someone telling
> you that they are currently on fire and request assistant whilst you
> are busy watching Spice Girls The Movie.
> If an application wants to hide notifications they have a perfectly
> good API for doing it.
> http://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks5-apidocs/knotifications/html/cl
> assKNotificationRestrictions.html
> If they aren't using that, we should fix that in application.
> Not enforced by anyone else as it renders the entire API redundant.

Good point, I wasn't aware of that API. 
That would only work from my perspective if there was a cross-platform 
specification for that, which would also be adopted by e.g. LibreOffice or 
VLC, because we can't assume people to only use Frameworks-based applications 
in Plasma.
Would it be realistic to try to push such a specification? I mean, it _would_ 
make sense for all desktops...

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