Minimum translation percentage for Plasma 5 releases (second take)

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Wed Aug 13 21:47:26 UTC 2014

El Dimecres, 13 d'agost de 2014, a les 22:57:16, Chusslove Illich va escriure:
> >> [: Chusslove Illich :]
> >> [...] The two extremes are:
> >> 
> >> 1) Translation is there strictly to help out users who have poor to no
> >> knowledge of the source language (English). [...]
> >> 
> >> 2) Translation is there as a stylistic matter of preference of one's
> >> native language. [...]
> >> 
> >> So, I agree with the proposal that if thresholds are there, they should
> >> be controllable by the teams.
> > 
> > [: Albert Astals Cid :]
> > I disagree. Why are the teams responsible to decide if i am in 1) or 2) ?
> > 
> > My suggestion about the warning to the user warning dialog moves this
> > resposability to were it belongs, the user.
> In principle, if the user could be well informed, and be provided to decide,
> sure why not. But in practice such information would be compiled based on a
> small subset of all catalogs (e.g. the Plasma stuff). It wouldn't reflect,
> say, translation state of KMail. 

Of course, read the subject, we are speaking about Plasma here, not about 
random applications, random applications never had a $PERCENTAGE limit. Also I 
hope you're not suggesting a per langauge per application $PERCENTAGE limit, 
are you?

> Also, this includes the language KCM,
> while I was thinking of a case where the user picks up a (glibc) locale in
> the login manager and that's it.

Yeah, that was already suggested by Luigi, and it's covered in the "update" 
scenario, nothing hard at all.

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