Should favourites be shared between launchers, and launcher instances?

Eike Hein hein at
Sun Aug 10 19:15:49 UTC 2014

On 08/10/2014 08:55 PM, Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> Subjectively, people declare an application as a favorite, not tell the
> launcher that it should include an application in a specific list.

Personally, I think much more spatially for example: I put an
application in a specific *location*.

Applications I launch frequently throughout a session are in
my panel; applications I launch regularly but not as often or
are single-instance are in my Application Menu favorites side-
bar, and applications I only use frequently are archived in
my menu.

Yet in a "favorites are a system state thing" world, the
favorites in my panel and in my menu would theoretically be
the same, even though I have different use cases for them and
deliberately put different things in different places.

By the same token, some users want different favorites per
monitor, because they mentally associate those apps with the
workspace on a given monitor.

So you have a conflict between the "being a favorite is just
an attribute of an application of the system" and "what
actually matters is where the object I click on resides"


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