Review Request 106448: replace old kickoff with kickoff-qml

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Fri Aug 8 18:40:56 UTC 2014

> it is true that would be needed to be applet specific, or it creates some
> problems, but linking to activity looks like the good way to go for me

Possible to do, but there is no point in having this kept in a central 
storage, and having the round-trips to the service and back every time the 
user changes favourites. 

The choices here are:

1. Based on activity linking - and shared (both data and implementation) 
between all instances, and different applets.

2. Config-file based - per-instance, each applet will implement its own 
mechanism for favourites, like it currently is.


KDE, ivan.cukic at, 
gpg key id: 850B6F76,

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