Continued: milou/kickoff/whatever menu

Marco Martin notmart at
Thu Apr 17 12:47:00 UTC 2014

On Thursday 17 April 2014, Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> > comments? ;)
> How about making Kickoff a little taller by default? There is no hard
> rule that launchers can only have a certain height, is there? Vishesh's

yeah, making it a bit taller would be fine, it would still be only semi-modal 
since it still takes only a band at the side of the screen

> argument against that was that he doesn't want the launcher to cover too
> much of the desktop so as not to lose one's current context when opining
> it, but since one has to shift focus when interacting with the launcher
> anyway, I don't think this makes too much of a difference.
> Btw: I've talked to Vishesh about this at the KTp sprint. Another
> alternative we think might work is to have Kickoff reserved only to
> launching applications (so a "search" there would only filter on
> applications, nothing more) and an integrated Milou/Krunner in the panel

again, this doesn't solve the fact of having two searches explicitly visible. 
How is less cognitively demanfing
"all things i could want to open and search for are from the botton-left 
corner button"
 "well, if it's an application and i know where it is it's the bottom-left, 
oh, but i can also search for it, but wait, i wanted to search for something 
else, therefore is this second icon, that has a similar look and interactin, 
but for some reason, has a different set of results"

to me is more a question of "what is the best possible workflow" than "what is 
the compromise that makes everybody happy"

if a valid use case comes up why a start menu shouldn't have a search 
functionality, fine

> My suggestion was that if the KRunner/Milou Plasmoid was not present, 
> Alt-F2 would launch KRunner in a fixed position like in current Plasma, 
> but if it was present, it would appear next to the Plasmoid. We have not 
> yet evaluated whether this is technically possible, though.

with alt+f2 it may have problems (due to a global shortcut being possible to 
be owned by a single executable)
however a plasmoid may control where to open it if the necessary dbus api gets 
added to krunner. (again, to me the problem is not really the konami-code 
version for powerusers, but what is actually visible)

Marco Martin

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