Review Request 117041: kdeplasma-addons/applets/pastebin: add two new options

Gregor Mi codeminister at
Tue Apr 1 20:05:14 UTC 2014

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(Updated April 1, 2014, 8:05 p.m.)

Review request for Plasma, Aleix Pol Gonzalez, Dominik Haumann, and Sebastian Kügler.


Hi Sebastian,

Dominik suggested that you might give input to this review request.

The code is now at a "shipitable" state. Maybe one of you core plasma guys could confirm that. There is one minor issue, though:

When unchecking (and only then) the new "Restrict width on large host panel" checkbox the applet size is not updated until a resize event occurs. The other way round (checking the checkbox) it works well (applet width -- or height -- is immediately restricted). So if you see how to fix this at once that would be appreciated. If it would consume too much time to find the cause, it won't hurt to leave it like it is since in the end all applets should be ported to QML anyway.

Thanks & Best regards

Repository: kdeplasma-addons


Add two options:
  1. Show confirmation before sending (to prevent accidental sending of maybe sensible data)
  2. Appearance: Restrict width on large host panel (to prevent huge icon on large panels)

How does this change manifest on screen?
Settings dialog:
  - before change:
  - after change:

  1. "Show confirmation before sending" turned on and after dropping an image:
  2. "Appearance: Restrict width on large host panel"
     - turned off (default): (pretty big compared to other icons in system tray)
     - turned on (new): (the width is restricted so it does not eat up horizontal space)

Open issues
- Is there a default "review board TARGET_GROUP" for kdeplasma-addons review-request?

@apol: I saw that in the frameworks branch you replaced pastebin with quickshare. I haven't had the chance to test it out. Does it already have the same features as pastebin?


  applets/pastebin/pastebinConfig.ui 540fae733c0ea738b48b3bf2b11b9f9b10bdb453 
  applets/pastebin/pastebin.cpp df7f534c17d5a383480f385b83948d01635641a7 
  applets/pastebin/pastebin.h 931057f9df4f5e875f3984df1f40869235d8297e 
  .gitignore PRE-CREATION 
  .reviewboardrc PRE-CREATION 



See screenshots in description. Test if settings are getting stored. Test with different form factors (horizontal, vertical).


Gregor Mi

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