kill the systray?

Matthias Klumpp matthias at
Thu Sep 26 19:19:11 UTC 2013

2013/9/26 Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at>:
> On Wednesday, September 25, 2013 23:06:42 Matthias Klumpp wrote:
>> I also fear that, but this was a statement by single developers, which
>> I don't think is true.
> it is the developer responsible for the component in question, and apparently
> he’s already doing work to create new incompatibilities in the messaging spec.
That is indeed bad if it comes from the person responsible for the
feature. Incompatibilities are okay, IMHO, as long as they really
provide improvements and are not just bikeshed about e.g. function
naming or wheel-reinventing of working specs.
So let's see what will be proposed at XDG.

> if that is indeed what happens and it becomes a GNOME Shell specific thing, i
> don’t think we should implement support for it for all the same reasons we’re
> not implementing support for Mir.
Jup, we shouldn't do that then. But I can't see what is GNOME-specific
about it (yet).
Maybe the persistent-notifications-after-reboot thing will be a
(solvable) issue.

We would still have a problem with applications which only provide a
tray icon for interaction... It would be nice to solve that.
Unfortunately, I am busy with AppStream and Listaller stuff, but I
would love to help with the
notification/tray/GNOME-KDE-XDG-communication issues. I think I will
have some time in mid-October.
Meanwhile I will ask some people at GNOME about placing the "tray"
data at different positions and implementing a tray XDG spec in line
with GNOME design principles. But I don't expect much success there -
it's worth a try anyway ;-)

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