kill the systray?

Matthias Klumpp matthias at
Thu Sep 26 06:06:42 UTC 2013

2013/9/25 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin at>:
> On Thursday 26 September 2013 01:27:54 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>> On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 17:06:14 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
>> > When I asked Martin if he knew a way to do the xembed, he replied (being
>> > Martin ;)) asking if we can just kill it and quoted starwars. I wonder:
>> > Can
>> > we kill it yet?
>> I just had a discussion on G+ with a couple of our friends with GNOME about
>> this matter[1]. Apparently they are thinking of just dropping support for
>> system tray icons altogether, and deprecating the API in Gtk+. If that does
>> indeed happen, then that is a major step towards being able to kill support
>> for it.
> the bad part of the discussion is that it looks like they want to reinvent the
> wheel and given some statements lately (e.g. GTK+ is just for developing for
> GNOME Shell) I'm not every optimistic that they will even hardly think about
> anything than their system.
I also fear that, but this was a statement by single developers, which
I don't think is true.
It would make sense to at least try to discuss stuff and try to find a
consent, and I am willing to try that (there would be no harm done if
this attempt fails).
There are some things which GNOME does great at time (notifications,
IMHO) and which might be worth looking at and working on a common
The "problem" with GNOME is that it is now design-driven, and everyone
and everything has to accept a subordinate role to that. So, in order
to convince the GNOME folks, you have to give them a usecase which
matches their design goals.

>> The only remaining problem then becomes Qt5. QSystemTrayIcon does not
>> support the DBus protocol .. it should, really, since the two largest Linux
>> desktop envs built on Qt use it ;)
> looks like we need to fix that for 5.3 :-)
Indeed :-)

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