naming the next major release

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Thu Sep 5 12:24:03 UTC 2013

On Thursday 05 September 2013 13:25:33 Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> On 20.08.2013 07:06, Martin Graesslin wrote:
> > I do want to promote KWin for the usage in LXDE/Razor as in the next
> > version we will hardly have any build-time dependencies from frameworks
> > higher than tier1. I'm concerned that a generic name "Plasma" would work
> > against that as it would be difficult to communicate that although being
> > part of Plasma not being part of Plasma. If someone has a good idea on
> > how to properly communicate this without being confusing (especially for
> > users who want the lightweight aspect of LXDE and Plasma is for people in
> > that user group unfortunately the definition of bloat) I consider this as
> > a non-blocking issue for the naming.
> It's not called "Plasma KWin", is it?
We also use to call it "Plasma Window Manager and Compositor" as KWin is a 
rather technical name and not present anywhere in the UI except in DrKonqi.
> I'd just market KWin as KWin to
> other DEs. Yes, it also is part of Plasma, but you can get it as a
> standalone window manager as well.
The problem is not marketing to other DEs. They get the distinction. The 
problem is with the users. Yes that's not rational but that's how it is - just 
search for the blog post about LXDE with Qt is not bloated.
> Besides, I don't think that calling
> it "Plasma Workspaces" would help with that, anyway. You'd still have to
> make clear that KWin can be used without the rest of the workspaces.
That you can use it without Plasma Desktop is obvious. Any window manager can 
do that. If the name is "Plasma Workspaces" it's more clear that it's a set of 
multiple applications, while the name "Plasma" at least to me looks like it's 
just one coherent thing. Especially as that's how it is with our competitors: 
with Unity and GNOME Shell you get a non-dividable set of Window Manager and 
Desktop Shell.

Anyway I don't want to create a meta-discussion about it. If the majority is 
for Plasma that's fine with me. In that case we just move KWin a layer down. 
Instead of being part of Plasma, Plasma depends on KWin. For us it doesn't 
change anything, but for the communication it's more clear.

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