Semi-modal sidebar paradigm

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Nov 4 19:25:44 UTC 2013

On Monday 04 November 2013, Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:

> Definitely like the idea. Would love to see that for the notification
> shade/history, too. (OSX *hint hint*) Give it more room and allow for
> bigger, richer and more interactive notifications. Think of chatting or

pa uses the same look for drawers as the osx notification thinghie, so 
slapping the qml code used in PA for this into the plasma desktop view (in the 
shell package) would give it pretty much the same look

> quickly responding to a mail in a side panel and not interrupt your
> workflow.
> Pushing the desktop to the side is definitely nice but due to the lack of
> input redirection in an X world, we cannot move all the window over a bit,
> too.(?)

yeah, that's my concern as well, i would love to have it, but since is "semi" 
modal on X we would lose input for all windows, therefore becoming fully modal 
unless they are actually moved instead of just translated (don't know how 
smoothly could be done in kwin and most important how much hackish)

Marco Martin

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