minutes Monday Plasma hangout

David Edmundson david at davidedmundson.co.uk
Mon Nov 4 17:36:55 UTC 2013

I spent my afternoon having a meeting about SDDM with Martin Briza.
(another Martin!)

It seems like there's a push towards SDDM for various political
reasons, so I will invest more time in that.

He's currently working on trying to replace KDM with SDDM within the
Plasma 1 timeframe. Currently he is working on reworking the
authentication mechanism, moving session starting out of the main

We discussed making this authentication code a library as I also need
this functionality from within the lock screen.
I have some work that I started exposing PAM to QML, I'm waiting for
him to push his code to investigate further. We both agree we have
some overlap in goals. Authentication in SDDM is a problem, it is very
heavily tied to only requiring a single password prompt throughout the
code. Fine for 98% of use cases, a severe problem for some others. I
will need to spent some time to fixing this. We have yet to discuss
with Abdurrahman, the main SDDM guy.


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