Activities - Storing ResourceScoreCache in Nepomuk

Vishesh Handa me at
Wed May 22 14:53:28 UTC 2013

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 5:11 PM, Ivan Čukić <ivan.cukic at> wrote:

> > Could you please point me to the relevant code?
> Quick grep (don't know the code, it is Marco's)
>   plasma-mobile/components/metadatamodel/metadatamodel.cpp:411

I've checked both the master and integration branch.

I cannot seem to find the file. I did find
plasma-mobile/components/metadatamodel/library/metadatamodel.cpp but that
doesn't seem to use the ResourceScoreCache. Unless I'm missing something.

> > Also, why duplicate the data in both the sqlite and nepomuk database?
> For the speed issues.*
> Storing and querying the desktop events proved to be by an order of
> magnitude
> slower in nepomuk (**for the type of queries that we need**). For that
> reason,
> the sqlite backend was introduced. It freed us from pushing a huge amount
> of
> (for the rest of the world unneeded) data into the database and having to
> query it every time the score is updated.
> This way, we are having a private database for private things, and pushing
> only the important data to nepomuk to be accessible by other applications.
> (as IMO it should be in other clients as well - not to abuse a rdf store
> as a
> kitchen-sink database)
> Cheerio,
> Ivan
> * back then, there were also quite a few thread-safety related issues in
> soprano that kept kamd crashing. But that was not even considered as a
> reason
> for the switch - it was just a nice side-effect to have kamd more stable.
> --
> You know, there are many people in the country today who,
> through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane.
> Some of them became sane later in their lives...
>   -- Monty Python's Flying Circus
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Vishesh Handa
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