Usability issue in the task bar applet

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue May 21 10:23:44 UTC 2013

On Tuesday, May 21, 2013 12:08:09 Eike Hein wrote:
> He's right though, this is entirely unrelated to using desktop effects or
> not,
> and that the icons of minimized icons get desaturized as of 4.10, with no
> good way to disable that behavior, is indeed quite unpopular over in #kde.

nearly every change made is "unpopular" as measured by "someone spoke up". the 
number of changes that were wildly unpopular at first but which later become 
very popular and even immitated by other environments speaks to this.

we should be convinced by reason, not by which way the feedback wind blows.

> The main reason being given is that users rely on telling windows apart by
> the color of the window icon, and the effect removes but all color, so there
> is significant information loss.

i'm fine with bringing back some colour to the icons to aid such people. 
painting it with some alpha might work nicely to preserve both indication of 
minimization and preserving colour cues.

Aaron J. Seigo
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