Plasmoid object class for QML...

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Jan 16 13:15:23 UTC 2013

On Wednesday, January 16, 2013 12:52:01 Marco Martin wrote:
> maybe even in the activity dataengine?

this depends on the security model we place around DataEngines and the like in 

the activity thumbnails and other shell-specific info is something that we do 
not need nor want random bits getting their hands on, but activity name and 
what not is.

> right now the hurdle in making that engine universal is that it needs a
> pointer to the containment (and its wallpaper()) to make it paint the
> thumbnail (since it may be also a wallpaper different from Image) so is a
> dataengine created directly by the shell by a custom pluginloader

having this dataengine provided by the shell via pluginloader is really the 
saneest way of doing this imho. that we each shell can implement whatever it 
needs to however it needs to without us worrying about inventing some semi-
public API that must remain stable.

Aaron J. Seigo
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