Panel placement problems

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Sun Jan 6 01:25:38 UTC 2013

On Wednesday, January 2, 2013 11:08:20 Reza Shah wrote:
> Is this bug or by design ('default panel' will always go to top edge and
> 'empty panel' will try to look for empty edge)?

it doesn't work *quite* as you describe, but yes, this is by design. i expect 
some improvements to this when we port the plasma-desktop shell to QML2, but 
for now, this is how it is.

> - The empty panel placed in left edge as stated above has the top left part
> overlapped with existing top panel, so we can see some gap between the left
> panel's toolbox icon and bottom panel.

this would be a bug. it's obvoiusly not getting the offset set correctly. i 
personally lack the motivation to find and fix it, but patches from others are 
always welcome.

> - In two monitor setup, the 'Default panel' added, most of the time didnot
> have toolbox icon (seems the width was wider than screen size). But for
> 'Empty panel' the panel rendered properly.

the first difference i can think of is that "Empty panel" does not get set up by 
the desktop scripting. it's simply the panel containment plugin loaded and set 
up. so i'd guess the problem is in the desktop scripting; in particular the 
code path triggered by "new Panel"

from a brief look, it seems that setScreen (in 
libs/plasmagenericshell/scripting/containment.cpp) does not change the size 
the containment. fair enough, that's the job of the shell to do. but it also 
seems that when the containment is finished being created and then the view is 
created for it, this size adjustment is not made. that would probably be 
because PlasmaApp::createPanelView (in plasma/desktop/shell/plasmaapp.cpp) 
does not check these things ... and it probably ought to :)

> For example in case of 'Empty panel' placement at left edge, where is  the
> calculation of it's initial position performed?

void DesktopCorona::addPanel(const QString &plugin) in kde-

Aaron J. Seigo
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