Is QtQuickComponents.MouseEventListener needed anymore?

David Edmundson david at
Sat Dec 21 18:25:27 UTC 2013

I was looking through MouseEventListener and trying to work out if
it's needed any more. As far as I can tell, all functionality that it
provides* is provided by Qt's MouseArea.

I assume it was added to work round a specific bug/missing feature in
Qt's MouseArea, but it's not clear what that was.

If it's needed I'd like to know why so I can document it and I'll
invest the time to fix the memory leak problems it has. If not I'd
like to port all usages away and mark it as deprecated.

David Edmundson

*  The only exception is a screen property in the events that Aleix
and I added last week, but I can work round that elsewhere.

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