naming the next major release

Daniel Nicoletti dantti12 at
Wed Aug 21 20:12:10 UTC 2013

2013/8/21 Martin Graesslin <mgraesslin at>:
> Yes I noticed that for example you still talk about KDE as software in your
> blog posts. To be honest I have to cringe if I read it, because it makes the
> task of everyone more difficult who tries to work on the repositioning of the
> brand.
Well if I write an app using Qt people call it a Qt app, when you use KDE FW
it becomes a KDE app. So what should I call the software I write when using

> It is important. If people from the outside think it's one coherent thing we
> wouldn't need efforts like frameworks to make it more attractive for 3rd party
> developers and it also makes any attempts to get KWin as the window manager
> for all Qt based shells much more difficult. Which is a reason why I do care
> about it.
Well re-branding is really hard, it's for a reason companies fight for names...
Clearly I'm not alone in not know how to properly brand things now.

>> The KDE community has to decide which will be the included, since plasma
>> got there first there isn't much chance for a replacement, then better
>> do like Razor.
> does the KDE community have to decide?
Yes, look at the old Oyranos vs colord-kde thread, in the end colord-kde
probably has more usage where KWin color correction only works
with Oyranos (I don't plan to fix this before we have wayland).
And Kolor-manager ended up in extragear...

> Did the community ever decide that
> there can only be one file manager in the SC?
The fact that Konqueror is also a file manager could be tagged as
historical reason imho.

> Also does software have to be in
> the SC? Or is software more blessed by being in the SC?
Sure it is, most distros have meta packages which installing
kde-utils brings a bunch of "utils" stuff, if your app is in there
it gets more attention.

> Large part of the
> release announcement for 4.11 is about KScreen - to my knowledge it's not even
> released as part of the SC.
Right, it got good promoting due to being an important thing
to many users, would a new clock applet (not part of the SC)
get on the announcement page?

> What do you think is the more prominent music
> player by KDE? Amarok which is not part of the SC or juk which is part of the
> SC? Same for IM - kopete vs kpt.
I do agree with you it's not needed to be in the SC,
but notice the core apps vs regular apps difference,
if I write another window manager that happens to
replace kwin in the SC would people still want to install
KWin? Sure if you promote it better (or have more quality)
downstream might use it as default.

> Who said there will be a software compilation in the KF 5 world or that the
> Plasma Workspaces will be part of such a maybe existing software compilation?
Nobody (afaik) said the opposite either :)

> Please note that this has not yet been discussed, but I know that a few people
> in the Plasma team (me included) would favor to not have the SC anymore. The
> reasons you mention are a part of it. In fact the whole discussion highlights
> it.
OK, then imho we could have modules SC ie kde utils/edu... SC,
the SC is good because it help with the coordination of small modules
that doesn't have to worry when to release their stuff.

> We would not need to think about a version number if Plasma would be part
> of the software compilation.
Well if that's the reason shouldn't the discussion about having/being part of SC
take place first?

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