Branch review request

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Sat Aug 3 17:34:32 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I've realized that it will be painful if I wait until everything is finished 
to merge into master, and that there is not much reason for it to be so since 
the master is in a playground mode anyway.

One of the reasons for the request is that I'd like to do a few things in 
parallel to the main work - cleaning up the whole plasma code, use allowed 
levels of C++11 (and the 'spiffy' d-pointers as Aaron called them)...

So, I'm requesting a review of the ivan/shell-switching branch.

There are some things that are removed and should be returned, and there are 
some things that should be removed before the merger:
 - panels (to return after merger, a bit more complex)
 - desktopcorona (to be removed after the panels are added to shellcorona)
 - src/shells folder can be merged into qmlpackages*(1) (and binary parts of 
src/shells removed - those are not needed, but was a good example/test of more 
advanced mechanism that can be achieved - for example, shells providing custom 
components etc.) - this will be greatly simplified very soon!
 - change config names

What works:

(required: git at, 
kde:scratch/ivan/platformcomponents - these should be merged into 

Currently, we have two shells - the org.kde.desktop and org.kde.blank. When 
you plug in a touch-screen, the blank one is loaded. And the desktop is loaded 
again when you remove the device.

There is a dbus interface for fake hw:
qdbus org.kde.SolidXTest /FakeInput addDevice fake FakeTouch 2 2
qdbus org.kde.SolidXTest /FakeInput removeDevice fake

Obviously, the loading conditions will be changed when we get more into the 
shell production mode. Now, those are only there for testing purposes.

*(1) Shells folder can be merged with the parts of qmlpackages that are 
concerning shells. What I'd like to do is to move those into a separate folder 
- to be more obvious what is where.

But the problem is that it would mean having src/shells and src/shell as it is 
currently in the branch. What I'd like to have is a following structure:
application (or similar - for plasma-shell - core, app, main, ...)
something/plasmapkg (have no idea what 'something' could be)

*(2) The other thing I wanted to ask is can I rename org.kde.desktop to 


I don't really trust a sane person.
  -- Lyle Alzado

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