Menu branch

Ignat Semenov ignat.semenov at
Wed Apr 17 18:20:26 UTC 2013


Wow that was fast :) Glad to see you coding for plasma, your experience is 
very welcome (not to say I finally have someone to poke to death with 
design questions ;) )

- Display options is indeed a mess, well is it ok to mix combos and 
checkboxes together? i.e. 2 combos, 1 checkobox, then 1 combo and 2 
checkboes etc. And they keep growing in number, although the existing 
changes should have added the last ones.

- Icon alignment aka flow: I have been thinking about splitting that up 
ever since I saw it, but that means one more checkbox. On the other hand, 
honestly, it would make sense to split that in the code as well (see the 
current code - imho it sucks - to answer "are we using rows or columns" the 
flow is is compared with two enums, same for left vs right, not as easy to 
read). The UI, on the other hand, is up to aseigo, from what I understand - 
I'm all for it, but a decent UI advice is of course welcome. (fredrikh, 
what do you think?)

- setCurrentItem() - which one did you like better, monolithic 
setCurrentItem(), find() and then set() depending on find(), or the last 
one with set() being unnecessary? For me, it's usually "code what to do not 
how", but this time I was not sure if it was just too much auxiliary code.

- int(FolderViev::Unsorted) is a hack around the fact the sorting column is 
not homogenuous. 4 of them are enum KDirModel::(something), 1 is 
FV::Unsorted. Hence there is no way to have a real typed enum bracing them 
all in there. All the others, which you should have noticed, are enums with 
qvariant's since that gives you compiler warnings and errors in case you 
mess up - a nice thing imho :)

Thank you for the advice!

Best regards,
Ignat Semenov

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