Behavior on systray icon clicking

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue Sep 25 09:52:18 UTC 2012

On Tuesday, September 25, 2012 11:35:07 Martin Klapetek wrote:
> While I agree in
> principle, pretty much none of the apps behave this way 

the reason for this is symmetry: people tend to expect that an element that 
performs an action will perform a similar action when pressed again. 
unfortunately for our beautiful designs, symmetry is often most naturally 
experienced as inversion when the action is a binary operation -> if i press 
something and it has an effect, it is reasonable to expect that if it is still 
pressable that pressing it again will produce a related effect. in a binary 
system, that translates to "pressing toggles the state". people often don't 
see it as "showing a window" (or whatever) but toggling a state. voila.

> So here's the question - should we follow the rest of the workspace and be
> consistent or should we do it "properly" - clicking plasmoid it opens,
> closing is done with close button (possibly followed by fixing other apps)?

how does the current system negatively impact people using the system?
how would changing to the proposed behaviour improve the experience?

(hopefully those questions can be rhetorical :)

Aaron J. Seigo
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