Poll - Rethinking "battery remaining time" option

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at kde.org
Wed Sep 12 18:19:35 UTC 2012

this is now my two cents to this thread: we have over-discussed this topic and 
it has harmed our developer community already enough. I never ever want to 
read about it again.

I think at the IRC meeting after the last discussion we agreed that we want to 
put such decisions into the wiki. So I would say we put the rational for the 
decision into the wiki and in future moderate threads about the remaining 

I want to point out that anyone who wants to have an applet shipping such 
feature is more than invited to write one. But one of the design principles of 
Plasma is to not cram all possible features into the UI just because we can.

Thanks for no longer replying to this thread :-)

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