Doxyqml, supporting type

Aurélien Gâteau agateau at
Mon Oct 22 15:12:21 UTC 2012


I have been working a bit more on Doxyqml, the Doxygen input filter for QML 
[1]. It now uses a more robust parser, is growing a test-suite and can 
override types when needed, allowing you to specify types for function 
parameters, return values and properties.

Here is an excerpt of the README:

## Functions

Functions in QML are untyped, but you can define types in the documentation
like this:

     * Create a user
     * @param type:string firstname User firstname
     * @param type:string lastname User lastname
     * @param type:int User age 
     * @return type:User The User object
    function createUser(firstname, lastname, age);

## Properties

QML properties are typed, doxyqml will take advantage of the existing type. 
You can nevertheless overwrite the type using the same `type:<name>` syntax. 
This is useful for example to document property aliases:

    /** type:string The user lastname */
    property alias lastname: someObject.text

## Signals

QML signals are typed, so there is no need to use the `type:<name>` syntax to
document their parameters. Using `type:<name>` syntax in signal documentation
will not work: Doxyqml won't strip it out and Doxygen will confuse it with the
parameter name.

     * User just logged in
     * @param user The user which logged in
    signal loggedIn(User user)

I decided to use a syntax of the form `type:<name>` because it makes it 
possible to skip type definition. This is handy for properties, since they 
already have type information so specifying a type is not mandatory for them.

I am wondering however if it would be better to simplify the syntax for 
functions so that @param and @return expect the first argument to always be a 
type, making it possible to write:

    @param string lastname User lastname

instead of:

    @param type:string lastname User lastname

The plus of this solution is that it is a bit shorter to type (no "type:" 
prefix), the minus being that the syntax is a bit inconsistent with properties 
documentation (which would still require the "type:" prefix, because type has 
to be optional there)

What do you think?


[1]: Available from kde:scratch/gateau/doxyqml

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