share-like-connect in 4.10

Marco Martin notmart at
Thu Oct 4 16:50:56 UTC 2012

On Thursday 04 October 2012, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> *thinks*
> another possibility if space saving is really that much a of a concern is
> to then do like kickoff and show a set of tabs in a single window shown
> when the icon is clicked.

uh, hope to avoid that
was recently thinking about ways to be able to renounce to kickoff tabs as 
well recently (ideas still not ready), but this is another story;)

> > what about using the activity button applet itself?
> > in this case the slc buttons will appear only when actually supported.
> because moving UI around makes it harder to use. one needs to look
> (possibly for nothing!) in different locations for the same action.
> if the problem is that not enough applications will have ResourceInstance
> support, then when enough do would we switch it back? is this a solution
> for a short term problem? will it even be a problem, or will we have
> enough applications working by 4.10?

i think a sound plan (as stated already before) is:
* getting it used by default asap
* release it with 4.10 anyways
* shortly before hard freeze look if the current state is satisfactory, and 
remove the applet from default layout if necessary (hope to not have to do 
that ;)
* the applet will be anyways available in 4.10

there are many improvements that can be done, many prettyfications of the 
applet that we haven't tought about yet.
but all of it is dependednt by nature  from having it in place and working, so 
let's get that done.

Marco Martin

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