Screen Locking for 4.10

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Thu Oct 4 15:36:43 UTC 2012

On Thursday 04 October 2012 17:20:40 Aleix Pol wrote:
> Hi!
> I've been trying to make sense out of the new screen locker and I'm
> not sure the whole system is ready for release yet. So I'd like to
> discuss a little about it and see what can we do to push it forward.
> By default, since the new branch was merged, I'm getting a white
> screen (that feels a bit aggressive), so I decided to go to the KCM
> and see what can can I do to stop this. Let me discuss my experience:
that seems like something is missing on your installation. I also get a white 
flash but afterwards the wallpaper is shown. Do you have an interactive 
wallpaper maybe?
> - In System Settings, it was listed under "Display and Monitor". Maybe
> it made sense for the screen savers, but when you _lock_ you don't do
> it for the screen, you're also locking all input so it's more of a
> different thing. (I know, we're not going to solve the system settings
> here)
*agreed* should be moved to well good question. Power management?
> Then we are in the KCM, we have 2 types of options: locking and screen
> saver types.
> Let me put a screenshot of what I see:
> - We can set an option to "Start Automatically after x seconds". I
> have a feeling that tells me that this should depend on the Power
> Settings Plasmoid but then again the wording would be terribly weird.
> In any case we don't want to get our screen locked from the
> "Presentation" activity.
> About the screen locker types:
> - We have a big interface with most things disabled by default. It
> made me excited in the beginning then it all disappeared fast.
> - We have a "Simple Locker". What does that mean? Why can't I test it?
Test is probably not needed, but showing it on the sceen preview would be 
> - Then we have Screen Savers where I have Random and just Black Screen
> (I think Black is simple enough...). Do we have other "Screen Savers"?
yes, as part of kde-artwork.
> There's also the "Desktop Widgets" option. There, I think a nicer name
> would be "Interactive Locker". It sounded appealing to me but then:
> - For some reason I changed something that plasma didn't like, so now
> every time the overlay is called I get a crash. This means that if I
> lock my computer, then I get a black screen that I can't get back
> from.
backtrace please :-) And you can enable in xorg.conf a keycombo to kill the 
lock process. That's the vulnerability X had some time ago ;-)
> And in general, I understand that it's a locking screen, but I'd like
> to see it being able to have different unlocking systems rather than
> the password, have we considered that?
Yes sure, that works quite fine thanks to the way the underlying libs handle 
it. When I worked on it, I did test on my notebook where I have fingerprint 
for unlocking :-)

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