Display Configuration KCM design review

Aurélien Gâteau agateau at kde.org
Wed Oct 3 12:14:13 UTC 2012

Le mardi 2 octobre 2012 15:33:25 Marco Martin a écrit :
> > When you click the green tick, you disable the output (and it changes into
> > a red cross).
> what about have two checkboxes in a column, centered in the monitor:
> [ ] Primary
> [ ] Enabled

Yay, no checkbox controversy this way :)

I would suggest swapping order though:

[ ] Enabled
[ ] Primary

Because I assume "Enabled" will disable everything.

> > > * green rounded rectanlgles doesn't look that good
> > > 
> > > We actually have a Plasma theme element to represent a monitor: it's the
> > > one that is still used in the screensaver kcm: it's a framesvg, so it
> > > can be resized to any size without looking deformed, would be nice to
> > > use that (not sure about the monitor stand, can be tried both with or
> > > without. we have a qwidget for it in the kworkspace lib or in qml would
> > > be trivial to do.
> > 
> > I'll check that. I'd have to go without the stand as it would make it
> > difficult to position outputs above each other. Although without the stand
> > it looks more like a tablet then a monitor..:)
> well, better that a rectangle :p
> anyways, could do that only the monitor below has the stand, the one above
> not (in the way they are positioned it would just look that the stand of
> the above monitor is hidden by the other one)

One potential problem with the Plasma monitor is light glares are going to be 
all messed up if the screen is rotated, especially the one on the screen 
itself. Maybe something along the line of attached mockup would fit? (only, 
drawn by an artist) The led is a cue about the orientation of the screen (and 
you can use a dimmed one if the screen is disabled).

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