[RFC] Trigger KRunner on top screenedge

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at kde.org
Wed Oct 3 11:44:06 UTC 2012

Hi all,

just wanted some feedback on an idea I got today. What about binding the 
showing of KRunner on hitting the top screen edge?

Given that KRunner slides in from the top edge it would end up in a neat 
functionality, throw the cursor against the edge and down comes KRunner. Maybe 
even centered at the cursor position?

I don't think that the top screen edge would conflict with anything else. When 
using for quick-maximization of maximized windows the action would not be 
triggered anyway and for grabbing a maximized window to move it away it would 
not matter either as you have to push against the edge.

So opinions? Should I add support for that in KWin? It's pretty trivial :-)

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