[RFC] New (QML) Desktop Containment

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Thu Nov 22 14:15:10 UTC 2012

On Thursday, November 22, 2012 14:04:54 Marco Martin wrote:
> * accidental action trigger

the action that gets accidentally triggered on the desktop layer seems to be 

that would be helped with a snapping system as right now single pixel 
movements of the mouse cause movement. in fact, with a snapping system, this 
may come within acceptable tollerances.

if that is the case, then lock/unlock and handles simply drop from the 
question altogether. if we make all those changes at once with expectations 
that "the problem is that it is lock/unlock" we may end up with false 
conclusions such as "lock as the default fixed accidental movement" when in 
reality it was overkill and a grid snapping system was enough to do it.

this is why i really do not want to see a massive set of changes introduced to 
the desktop containment all at once without a definition of the current 
problems[1]. then we can phase in improvements one at a time (even if we have 
a list of them before we do so) and test each one indepedenantly; if needed we 
can also test in combination. then we can know what is having which effect.

affected audience is also of interest. people with less mouse pointer dexterity 
will expeirence this problem more; people with more obessive/compulsive 
tendencies will notice it more. keeping in mind the affected audience can 
sometimes help rate a problems severity. i'm uninterested in catering to OCD, 
but the pointer dexterity issue is real.

[1]  and not in terms of solutions; "the problem is that unlocked is the 
default" is not a problem statment, it's a solution statement disguised as one

Aaron J. Seigo
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