Introducing Homerun

Nuno Pinheiro nuno at
Tue Nov 13 11:36:48 UTC 2012

A Terça, 13 de Novembro de 2012 11:21:34 Marco Martin escreveu:

> It would be something that looks way less cluttered than kickoff, but with
> not many regressions

+++++++++++ 1 also we need to think about some intrudutory videos to kde 
somtimes we wont ve able make all things in kde instantly discoverable if they 
are a bit outside the way users are used to usualy use an app/feature... 

My idea is for the most part what Marco sudgest an enhanced krunner that still 
provides most features that kickoff ofers, and still possible to be navigated 
with the mouse.
I also have some idea's how we can "teach users" how to use the keybord 
function by, auto completion of the krunner text area wille navigating the 
menu structure, (hinting to the user that typing that into that filed would 
provide similar results).

I'm a mostly a mouse interaction guy, and find krunner like lounching way more 

> this is just an idea if anybody is willing to dive into it, personally is
> something on the "to try but very low priority" list. Right now i'm just
> happy with my good old alt+f2 :p
> Cheers,
> Marco Martin
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