GSoC Plasmoid Initialization

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Mon Mar 26 10:56:35 UTC 2012

On Sunday, March 25, 2012 17:15:25 Kevin Krammer wrote:
> I guess one could research whether calling all methods that do painting
> through QMetaObject::invokeMethod( ...., Qt::QueuedConnection ) still works,
> i.e. no calls replying on painting to be finished after call return.

init() is generally where widgets are created (buttons, text labels, etc etc.) 
so this is not going to work unless that is all done from the main thread.. 
iow the vast majority of the time spent in init() will end up in the main 
thread again.

one thing that would be helpful is to look at the init() methods of various 
applets which take a long time to load and measure where that time is being 
spent to see if there are common patterns that can then be used as 
optimization targets.

Aaron J. Seigo
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