Windows previews in qml plasmoid?

Michail Vourlakos mvourlakos at
Thu Jun 28 23:01:38 UTC 2012

Στις 29/06/2012 01:16 πμ, ο/η Martin Grδίlin έγραψε:
> On Friday 29 June 2012 01:00:06 Michail Vourlakos wrote:
>> The use case exists. It's about the WorkFlow plasmoid in which I am
>> facing this issue:
> consider using a declarative KWin script. For example have a look at:
>> For a start, I would be happy if I could take some screenshots(QPixmaps)
>> from
>> the kwin effect whenever the QML UI needs them. Instead of live preview,
>> tasks screenshots in every 500ms for example.
> This would be even worse than exposing the thumbnail from a KWin perspective.
> Please do not even think about it :-)
> And please give a try to the declarative KWin scripts. We have there a
> thumbnail item and this is properly integrated into the compositor.
> Cheers
> Martin

Dear Martin,

declarative kwin scripting is more challenging than plasmoids. I am 
almost sure that a hybrid
situation is needed with C++ and QML for the spesific use case(either 
way the plasmoid
supports all the needed functionality right now except the windows 

I dont know if this is possible with KWIn scripting, is it possible that 
maybe a KWin effect can do this?
(backend in C++ and QML the ui?)
(for example the plasmoid currently uses atoms from Xlib in order to move
a task from activity to activity, I dont think scripting can do this 
right now)


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