Plasma applets inside QML applet

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Jun 25 09:24:42 UTC 2012

On Monday 25 June 2012, Dmitry Ashkadov wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm trying to implement a system tray in QML. So, I have a trouble with
> applets such as battery, notifier, notifications. They [applets] should be
> mixed with icons of applications and tray must have an arrow to show popup
> dialog.
> Thank you

a qml based systray will be very useful indeed!

however i think in this case will have to be mixed with c++, so reusing part 
of the code of the old one, for two things:
* embedding applets (plasmoidtaskprotocol)
* and for the legacy xembed based systray icons, that should continue to be 
supported while we are still on X11 (killing it with joy when we'll move to 
wayland ;)

so i think you should basically take the current c++ systray, strip it from 
all the ui code, then start to embed a qml ui in it

Marco Martin

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