Plasma applets inside QML applet

David Edmundson david at
Sun Jun 24 12:11:46 UTC 2012

On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Marco Martin <notmart at> wrote:
> On Saturday 23 June 2012, Dmitry wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I'm developing an applet in QML. I need to load an external applet and
>> to place it into my applet like  containment applet, like panel or
>> system tray. But at the same time my applet isn't a pure containment
>> applet [it doesn't contain only applets]. Do You know how I can do it or
>> it's not possible?
> this is a case where one needs to take a step back and consider exactly what
> is the final needed result whitout assumptions on how to get there "ie applets
> in applets"
> putting applets inside other applets instead of directly in  a containment is
> generally not a good idea. the systray plasmoid does this mostly for
> functional requisites, but this is causing quite some problems there as well,
> since the applet base class codebase is designed for having its lifecycle
> managed by a containment instance.

What about the case of the calendar in the digital clock?

> So is not something that is going to be supported in qml, i don't think
> (i would like also to think about an alternate way for the systray in plasma2
> that wouldn't have those problems)
> if in the end what you need can be done with a classical containment, but done
> in qml, there are several examples in the plasma-mobile repository.
> it's still a bit quirky because in plasma1 applets are qgraphicswidgets and
> this doesn't play extremely well with qml, but it works already.
> Cheers,
> Marco Martin
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