Plasma Containment default setting

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Jun 21 12:37:36 UTC 2012

On Thursday, June 21, 2012 13:03:44 Marco Martin wrote:
> do we want to massively introduce its ui before frameworks?

i don't think we need to .. from what i can see we need to:

* figure out what development will happen as an immediate result of the new 
team integrations that are happening

* iron out some of the existing UI that people have an interest in pounding on 
again (e.g. notifications)

this for me takes precidence over the SLC steps which are:

* write more plugins for SLC

* get the patches into kdelibs

* make it part of the default desktop layout

i think the first 2 steps above will keep us plenty busy and with lots of 
advancements to show between now and F5 being ready. no need to break the 
kdelibs freeze imho.

Aaron J. Seigo
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