QML and paths to images

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Sat Jun 9 17:50:32 UTC 2012

On Saturday 09 June 2012, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Saturday, June 9, 2012 16:27:38 Dmitry wrote:
> > I'm working on implementation of system tray in QML.
> > Is it possible to get absolute path to icon/image/movie in QML? I need
> > to put into QML code AnimatedImage item, but it requires a full path to
> > a movie (animation). I have only name of movie instead of its full path.
> if the animation is in the package, then you can use a
> MobileComponents.Package object
> i have no idea what that is still in MobileComponents instead of Core..
> marco?

idea was to move it there, yes, got a bit sidestepped by the lots of stuff 
that has been done for 4.9, and i think it still need some review since i'm 
still not happy about it (and is for accessing the generic package that 
contains pure qml files rather than plasmoid packages)...

by the way, 
plasmoid.file("images", "mypixmap.png")

still works

Marco Martin

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