QML and paths to images

Dmitry dmitry.ashkadov at rosalab.ru
Sat Jun 9 15:43:34 UTC 2012

09.06.2012 19:21, Aaron J. Seigo пишет:
> On Saturday, June 9, 2012 18:56:46 Dmitry wrote:
>> Animations are in /usr/share/icons/<theme>/<size>  and if I use C++ I'll
>> load them using KIconLoader::loadMovie().
> ah .. from icons. hm. question: is the QML implementation you are working on
> pure QML, or is it a mix of C++ and QML?
I'm trying to use only QML (or minimal usage of C++). I think it's good 
idea to extend interface of PlasmaCore.theme to make 
KIconLoader::pathMovie() and KIconLoader::iconPath() accessible from 
QML., or implement MovieItem like SvgItem.

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