[Nepomuk] porting stuff to Nepomuk2

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 14:05:19 UTC 2012

On Wednesday 11 July 2012, Vishesh Handa wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 3:25 PM, Marco Martin <notmart at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Yo all,
> > I tried to port some stuff to Nepomuk2, namely kactivities and
> > plasma-mobile
> > 
> > porting kactivities went smooth, and is now in the branch mart/nepomuk2
> > of the
> > kactivities repository.
> > the only thing still to fix is that is exposing a Nepomuk::Resource in a
> > method, so it will have to provide both that and a new one with a
> > Nepomuk2::Resource
> Why both? Can't everyone just use Nepomuk2::Resource?

is released with kde 4.9 and is a public library -> binary compatibility 

(Ivan: correct me if i am wrong, that should be the only nepomuk symbol 
exported there?)

> > 
> > Vishesh: what's the best way to proceed now?
> I think for now it would make sense to push your
> NepomukAddOntologyClasses.cmake in that branch, and then we can merge it
> into master. I don't want this going into 4.9 cause there are some problems
> with the current rcgen which I would like to fix at some point.

problem is that it is in kdelibs so there is no master.
it may be added to nepomuk-core, but in this case since kdelibs still has to 
have the old one it would be called Nepomuk2AddOntologyClasses
and use only nepomuk2_rcgen

I'm not sure what is the policy of cmake files, if they should be scattered 
together their framework or if they are still wanted in a single repo

> Btw, I don't really understand the NepomukAddOntologyClasses.cmake, so I
> hope it works :)

seems to work for both nepomuk1 and 2 cases, the issue is more where tp put 
the thing ;)

Marco Martin

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