Connecting to Data Engine in QT Quick

Eric Mesa ericsbinaryworld at
Sun Jan 22 04:53:12 UTC 2012

Working with QT Quick in QT Creator.  Using QML to do GUI design.  Finally
figured out my data engine issues that I emailed about about back in
August.  So now I want to connect to my data engine.  I found this website:
but when I put in  "import org.kde.plasma.core 0.1 as PlasmaCore" (no
quotes) I get the error "module "org.kde.plasma.core" is not installed"

So I'm curious if that's the right import to use and if it is - what
packages do I need?  I'm on Fedora and the data engine "compiled" (in
python) and my QML runs just fine without that import line so I'm not quite
sure what I'm missing.

Eric Mesa
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