activity aware plasmoids

Mark markg85 at
Sat Feb 25 13:45:05 UTC 2012

On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Marco Martin <notmart at> wrote:

> On Saturday 25 February 2012, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > hi all...
> >
> > i woke up this morning from a dream in which all the facebook updates,
> > tweets and emails from people associated with an activity where showing
> up
> > in a live stream on screen. it wasn't really the point of the dream (ok,
> > dreams don't have "points" in general) but it was a very fun detail of
> it.
> > it felt so natural.
> well, at least you didn't dream of the internal implementation of a data
> model
> :p
> > the stream had a toggle in it to show "all" or filter on the current
> > activity.
> <annoying details minutiae>so not when on desktop i guess ;)</annoying
> details
> minutiae>
> so, basically one plasmoid, n dataengines that get combined somwhow.
> if the re is any taker, it would be interesting because it would probably
> require new ways to fetch/manage the data, a good extension to the concept
> of
> dataengine that would make things a bit more rigorous.
> --
> Marco Martin
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Let me do a little brainstorming :)

1. a dataengine per social media thing (facebook, twitter, flickr, google+,
deviantart.. name_your_social_blabla perhaps IRC as well?)
2. a social_profile (or "aseigo_dream" ^_-) dataengine that has a bunch of
set profiles. for example:
 --- Development Profile (fetches data from google+, twitter, irc, ....)
 --- Artistic Profile (fetches data from flickr, deviantart, ....)
 The "social_profile" dataengine internally fetches the data from the
social media networks in the profiles and makes all data available to use
in a plasmoid or something.
3. plasmoid only uses the "social_profile" dataengine
4. When user is in "Development" activity he sees all data from the
Development profile (google+, twitter, irc, ....)

While writing this brainstom down i keep thinking that this is something
that nepomuk should do.. collecting the data and run a specific query on it
based on the profile (development, artistic, news etc.) or am i wrong there?

Just my 5 cents.

@Aaron, can't you go to sleep again and dream the code? ^_-

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