Integrate AppMenu into Workspace 4.9

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Thu Feb 9 15:41:55 UTC 2012

On Thursday 09 February 2012 16:31:27 Alex Fiestas wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin at> wrote:
> > If that refers to KWin decoration API: no problem as we are going to break
> > deco API in 4.9 anyway :-)
> Oh didn't know that, because the QML decoration thing?
no, because window tabbing is broken beyond any repair and Thomas is currently 
rewriting it and because of that we need adjustments to the API. We use this 
as an excuse to clean up a little bit and given that there are no 3rd party 
decorations except for skulpture, dekorator, bespin and QtCurve which are all 
developed by developers close to us it's not a big issue.
> > I'm all for it and would even say we go for default menu in windeco.
> In that case I would really love to see something like this:
> But in this case I'd put the textbox at the bottom, what do you think?
> I can take some time today to try to do a PoC if you like the idea.
sounds like an awesome idea. I had seen this today for the first time in your 
linked video and really liked it.
> BTW remember to "reply to all", I'm not sure if gnumdk is in plasma-devel.
ups, but even in your mail only agateau was included...

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