[RFC] File ending for packaged KWin effects and where to put them

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Thu Feb 9 13:52:49 UTC 2012

On Thursday, February 9, 2012 09:57:32 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> Should such files use the file ending "plasmoid" or should we introduce new
> names like "kwineffect", "kwinswitcher", "kwinscript", "kwindecoration"?
> Could using "plasmoid" result in problems like the widgets explorer trying
> to install the kwineffect when dropped on the desktop?

it will be at the very least confusing for the user. i would recommend 
different suffixes.

> The second question I have is about the additional effects. Now that we have
> the scripted bindings I want to rewrite a few pure eye-candy effects with
> the bindings and move them out of the KWin source tree. Where should they
> go? I tend to plasma-addons.

if you want them available by synchrotron, then in the synchrotron-sources 
repository. otherwise i think addons is a good target, yes.

> Last but not least: how does this synchrotron work and does it offer
> something which would be very useful to distribute our effects, scripts,
> etc?

yes, it does. i need to complete the client-side integration to make it non-
painful to use from such things (e.g. i don't want kwin, plasma-desktop, etc. 
etc. all implementing this on their own, which they would nominally have to at 
this point.) i'll rachet this up on my todo list since kwin would now be 
blocking on it.

Aaron J. Seigo
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