Follow up on doxyqml

Aurélien Gâteau agateau at
Thu Dec 20 18:09:39 UTC 2012


Doxyqml, the Doxygen input filter for QML, has been deployed on I 
then converted the doc of most QML components of kde-
runtime/plasma/declarativeimport to use Doxygen (You may have noticed a series 
of commits with messages like "Doxygenize Foo"). The only components I haven't 
converted are the touch components (more on this below)

Unless someone objects, I want to backport the "Doxygenize" commits to the 
KDE/4.10 branch, in order to avoid conflicts during 4.10 maintenance when 
backporting fixes.

The documentation is available from:

I also took the time to group components on the landing page for Plasma 

(Haven't done so for other component set yet)

A few problems remains to be solved however.

# Private components

Components inheriting from private components do not automatically get 
inherited doc pulled in. Compare for example CheckBox (inherits from private 
DualStateButton) vs CommonDialog (inherits from public Dialog):

Not sure what to do here. The simplest solution is to make DualStateButton 
public, after all, its API is already partly public.

# C++ components

Doc for QML components implemented in C++ is integrated as well, but there are 
problems with it as well.

## C++ vs QML names

Sometimes the QML name is not the same as the C++ name. Doxygen does not know 
about this and documents the C++ name.

I have a branch here where all the C++ classes are renamed to match their QML 
names. This can get a bit tricky though: for example renaming the DialogProxy 
class to Dialog means there is a Dialog class exposing the Plasma::Dialog 
class to QML. It did not build anymore after my rename, getting me confused 
for a while until I realized the problem was caused by a private header having 
a "using namespace Plasma;" line.

## Noisy doc

Doxygen does not know which elements of a C++ class are exposed to QML. As a 
result many methods which are not reachable from QML are listed in the doc: 
constructors, destructor, all property getters and setters, methods which are 
neither slots nor Q_INVOKABLE.

The only way I can think of solving that is to write another input filter for 
Doxygen, which would skip non-QML elements. That does not sound too 
complicated but if anyone has a smarter idea, I am happy to hear it before I 
start writing the filter.
An interesting side-effect of writing such a filter is that we could use it to 
document the QML name as well, removing the need for renaming the classes.

I think that's it for now.


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