Some simple ideas for desktop 4.8

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Sun Sep 25 15:28:12 UTC 2011

On Sunday 25 September 2011 16:24:25 Alex Fiestas wrote:
> Hi there !
> I've been using the default settings for a while now (like 1month) and I'd 
> like to propose a couple changes for 4.8, let's see what are your opinions:
> 1-Show the same windows in "Window switcher" and "Taskbar":
>     Right now by default, Window Switcher is showing only the windows in the 
> current desktop while the taskbar is showing the windows in all desktop. This 
> has been very confusing for me since I'm not able to access to a window I'm 
> seeing in the taskbar via Window Switcher. 
>     I don't care wether we switch both to "Show only windows in this 
> workspace" or the other way, but both should show the same.
With window switcher you mean Alt+Tab, right?

Having those two synced sounds reasonable and I would suggest to go for only current desktop as by default it's only 
one desktop and means less clutter.
> 2-Remove oxygen window borders when composite is acitaved.
>     This is more a visual thing than anything else, when using composite by 
> default shadows are actiavted, and them are pretty much borders in my most 
> humble opinion (I have 0 design skills...) removing the borders in compositing 
> make windows less cluttered to me.
without borders you cannot resize the window. Nuno has been begging me to improve the situation and maybe I get to 
do something about it. Anyway this is something Nuno has to decide and IIRC he wants to have it on per app basis, e.g. 
Konsole without borders, others with borders.

Apart from that we can hardly change anything in a general way for window decorations. This would have to be 
completely inside the Oxygen decoration.

> So, what do you think?
> Cheeeers!
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