QML splash screen

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Sat Sep 10 16:07:47 UTC 2011

Hi all,
after some discussions on the art direction, one thing that was a probable 
requirement was the use of a qml based splash screen.
now, there is an implementation by Ivan in the ksplash/ksplash-qml branch of 
kde-workspace. from what i tried it works quite well.
Ivan, what are for you the roadblocks that avoid merging it?

to me, the biggest gripe is that the state of the splash steps is defined by a 
"state" property that is an int: this conflicts as name and overlaps with the 
qml state machine, so that should either be renamed, or what i would prefer, 
using directly the qml states for the splash steps.

I've done a splash for active with the graphics i presented on irc some day 
ago, is now in the repo:
(in the repos there are also screenshots and wallpaper versions)

Marco Martin

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