New to Plasma !

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue Oct 4 11:41:00 UTC 2011

Hi Adwait!

first: welcome to plasma! :)

On Tuesday, October 4, 2011 01:13:33 Adwait Sharma wrote:
> Can someone please guide me from where should i start and how? :)

i'll ask you the same thing i always ask people who ask me this:

	What interests you?

if you work on things that interest you, you are more likely to succeed and to 
keep at it longer.

that said, there are a number of things that could use more people working on 
them. there are individual plasmoids, for instance, which could use a lot more 
love. and those are a great place to start as they are small and self-

converting plasmoids to QML is another area of need.
adding features or cleaning up features that exist in Plasma Desktop or 
Netbook is also a fine place to start.

there are lots of task suggestions here:

and lots of bugs on to examine as well.

but if i were you, i'd start looking around at what exists and asking 
yourself: "what would i really like to work on improving?"

then post your proposal here and we'll help you get working on it!

Aaron J. Seigo
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