Plasma2, scene graph and stuff

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Mar 7 10:46:56 CET 2011

On Monday 07 March 2011, Giulio Camuffo wrote:

> >
> > 
> > to try it it's needed to build Qt from gitoious, staging clone, qml-
> > team/qtquick2 branch.
> Cool!
> So now that we're thinking of an api i have a question: about applets
> grouping. Do we want it still outside of libplasma? If yes i'm ok with it,
> but i'd really need some things in the api, the most important a PlasmaItem
> or whatever, parent of Applet in the class hierarchy, with some common
> things like config() and containment(). I would then make my AbstractGroup
> subclass from that and it would avoid me a lot of duplicates function with
> Applet* and AbsractGroup*.

take a look in the appletstrip containment in the plsma-mobile repo.
that doesn't do grouping, however it manages and positions applets in pure 
qml, needing access to only a couple of functions of Applet and Containment.

it puts all applets in its own item, called plasmoidcontainer, then the 
outside qml will be able to do anything it wants with it.

probably isn't still enough to do what do you want, but take a look and try to 
do a raw prototype of what do you need, so will be easy to figure out exactly 
what it's missing ("just" ways to easily save/restore the structure of the 
groups i guess?)

Marco Martin

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